See you next Season!


This year we're thankful for...

11/22/2012 6:30 AM -

Read nearly any newspaper – actual paper or online – today and you’re bound to come across a column about things for which that particular columnist is thankful. Well, here at, we thought it’d be fun for members of the front office to share of few things we’re thankful for.  

So, specific lists in no particular order, this year we’re especially thankful for...

Adam Ehlert, President
1. Temperate Kansas winters (sorry if I just jinxed it for this season).
2. Hot-hitting right-handed centerfielders.
3. First-year managers with a winning record.
4. Our happy baseball home here in Wyandotte County.
5. And, in VERY particular order: stuffing, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, turkey, mashed potatoes.

Chris Browne, Vice-President/General Manager
1. The love and support of friends and family.
2. The lifetime of friendships that the game of baseball has given me over the last 28 years.
3. T-Bones baseball on summer night in KCK!

Kurt Sieker, Assistant GM/Director of Group Sales
1. Family.
2. My wife Jessica.
3. Kansas Jayhawks.
4. Group Tickets.
5. Turtles.

Emily Hoskins, Director of Promotions
1. An unbelievable family and group of friends.
2. Diamonds. Specifically baseball diamonds.
3. Live music.
4. Television’s “The Office,” “The Big Bang Theory” and “Conan O’Brien,” because laughing is contagious and happiness-inducing.
5. Bill Self, because hey…it’s Bill Self.

Sherrie Stover, Bookkeeper
1. Family.
2. A great and fun job.
3. A roof over my head.

Brian Bruce, Radio Broadcaster
1. My fiancé Lindsey.
2. Family.
3. The opportunity to work in professional sports.

Ryan Stos, Sales Executive
1. My wife – One of the few people who completely understand me.
2. My family – I wouldn’t be where I am without them.
3. Football – It makes the offseason go by SO much quicker!
4. Air – wouldn’t be alive without it!

Kenny Hook, Manager
1. Family.
2. Health (family, friends and myself).
3. Ability to earn living doing what I love!

Matt Fulks, Director of Media Relations
1. Christ. It seems blasé to list religion first, but spend a few minutes with someone like Kevin Seitzer or Paul Coffman and you’ll be reminded that leading off with this should never seem trite.
2. Family, especially my wife and our three kids, and friends. When you’re an extreme introvert, it’s nice to have a few people around you who can put up with your quirkiness.
3. The Negro Leagues Baseball Museum and the Jazz Museum. Our city has played a great role in both black baseball and jazz. Do yourself a favor and visit both museums.
4. Chappell’s Restaurant and Sports Museum. Wonderful food inside the Midwest’s best sports museum.
5. Pineapple and Canadian bacon. The person who first decided to try that odd combination on a pizza is a genius. Plain and simple.

Whatever you’re doing today and wherever you’re spending the holiday, we hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.