Get Involved

As with most things in life, the more you give the more you get. As a volunteer-run nonprofit organization, we rely on our members to help us offer the best programs, content and events.

WISE offers our members both national and chapter committee and volunteer opportunities. Below is a list of national committees. Most chapters are structured in a similar way.

We find that our members get more out of their WISE membership by volunteering their time and expertise on one of our committees. If you're interested in contributing, contact us and indicate whether you are intereseted in serving on a national or chapter committee, and how would you like to volunteer your time or skills.

Business Development
Our sponsors are the lifeblood of our organization. Each year, there is a tremendous effort to reach out to potential sponsors with creative packages that deliver value to them. If you have expertise in the sponsorship development and sales area and an attractive rolodex, or would like to hone your skills, this is a good committee for you.
Contact: Courtney Carter/Mindy Spire

Career Resources
One of the benefits of membership is exclusive access to CareerWISE, our career resource center. This committee develops programs, online tools and content, such as blogs, podcasts and webinars. Experience desired: content management, html coding, webinar production.
Contact: Sophia Kuo

We have a great deal of interest from women in other parts of the country in starting up or supporting an existing chapter. This committee helps provide the tools, infrastructure and ongoing help to run chapters across the nation.
Contact: Kristi Atkins

For WISE to achieve its mission and really help promote women in the business of sports, we need to be "tooting our horn" a lot more. If you have expertise in the world of publicity and media relations or would like to "learn on the job" and learn from others, we would love your support in this area. WISE members also receive a quarterly newsletter that features information about other members, industry analysis, information about past and upcoming events, career tips and so on. If you would like to help report, write, edit, photograph, etc. this is the place for you.
Contact: Erin Weinberg

The WISE Digital Committee is moving fast and furious to get the WISE word out. We work closely with all committees to ensure that the WISE site and social platforms bring the latest information, content and events to our members. Are you a social savvy WISE member, or interested in website design, content and coding? Check out the WISE Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn page and LinkedIn group.
Contact: Sophia Kuo

The WISE National Membership Committee is responsible for WISE's overall membership strategy and marketing, focused on growing WISE across all chapters. We plan and provide chapters with tools to execute initiatives to drive membership. Experience desired: strategic planning, marketing, digital, creative development, html coding, desktop publishing, research, outreach, process/project management, administrative.
Contact: Sophia Kuo

Mentor Program
WISE Within brings mentees and mentors from the WISE membership together in a structured initiative to provide career resource connections. The WISE Within Committee comprises both the national and chapter committees.
Contact/Program Information

WISE Women of the Year Luncheon and WISE/R Symposium
Every one of our events requires a hard working team of wonderful women to help coordinate activities. From meeting and greeting industry superstars, to stuffing goody bags, it is always a great opportunity to network and have a fun time.
Contact us.